Mollie’s Blog of Wonderful Things

ABC’s and 123’s

Summer trip to St. Elmo Ghost Town with her cousin Zoey

 Mollie remembered it was so hot that day that her mom took Zoey and her to see St. Elmo the Ghost Town. It was a two hour drive to get there and it was so worth it. Zoey and Mollie went into the gift shops the moment they walked through the gates and they even got souvenirs. Zoey got a t-shirt and Mollie got a key-chain and a picture of her and her cousin Zoey.

Her favorite part was when they got to look inside all the old buildings and left behind old buggies; that horses once pulled. Some buildings were really creepy and cool looking. By the time they left it was four hours later. They had already eaten at the Solon Bar and Grill, that was located by the gift shop before Zoey, Mollie and her mother had left.

ABC’s and 123’s

Wordplay Games

How do you hatch a Dragon egg?

Place the egg in a _______ that would surely do the trick.