Early 2023, enjoy this re-issue of Surrounded by Creatures; new cover.
By Larissa Moon
Surrounded by Creatures
Seth Montgomery is not your average teenager. There is something he has been keeping from everybody. He has visions and it all started when his mom died. Through his dreams and paintings, he somehow sees what others cannot. Over the years, he kept that he was different buried, but now that someone from his mom’s past came to the present stirring up his life; he will have no choice but to come to terms with who and what he is before it is too late as he faces the ultimate battle…
Chapter One
She tossed her golden hair behind her back as she turned on the radio. Taped to the dashboard, she had placed a picture of herself and her family. Her husband and son smiled back at her as she blew them a kiss, promising them she would be home soon. “In the Still of the Night,” started playing as she sang along. It was a narrow road and somewhat dark as she pulled out of the driveway of the cabin. She paid attention to every curve and strained her eyes to see in the dark but she never knew what hit her as a car swerved in her lane and busting glass was everywhere interrupting the stillness of the night.
Crashing metal banged together making the sound intolerable. She screamed in desperation, in pain and fear all rolled into one. A girl in the backseat with long blonde hair looked sad as she watched. The woman never even noticed her or knew she was even there but the girl just kept staring with her sad brown eyes as if there was something she wanted to tell me……
I opened my eyes and blinked twice, realizing I was in my own room. I saw my familiar artwork hanging on the wall. One of the paintings showed a lady with shoulder-length golden brown curls. She smiled back at me. It was comforting for me to look at the painting as if she was telling me not to worry. I just had woken up from a bad dream. A dream that had plagued me for years. I had the same dream twelve years before….so why was I dreaming it now; I had no idea.
You see the woman in my dream was my mom as well as the one that showed in my painting, giving me such comfort. My mom died when I was five and I had the same dream before she died. I am sure that is how it happened. Sometimes I get these feelings. I don’t know how to explain it but I can see things before they happened, not that I am psychic. I don’t believe in such things…..but it all started with her. She was planning on visiting family back in Mystic, Connecticut. I was young so I don’t remember exactly what she said. Maybe her goddaughter. Maybe that was who was in the backseat. I never seen that girl before or knew who she was. After my dream, I begged my mom not to go. But she told me everything would be okay and she would be home before I knew it. I didn’t tell her what I had dreamed. I was afraid if I spoke the words aloud they would have came true. But maybe it was her destiny set to come true, a destiny that was foretold long ago.
I wish I had someone to talk to about how I felt. Sure, there was my dad. But forget it, he and I aren’t exactly the best of friends these days. He is dating this woman named Missy. I feel like he is replacing my mom and it’s so unfair. He never talks about her anymore. It’s as if he has moved on, no longer wanting to remember how it once was. He never dated before; not really. So why her and why now after all these years? Didn’t he love my mother? Sorry to go in a rant but that is just how I feel.
And it’s not like I don’t have a best friend to turn to. I have two in fact, Melody Waters and Caramie Carter are my two best friends. Melody is the sweetest, most sensitive girl ever and Caramie is a tough, no nonsense kind of girl. I know they would be both willing to talk to me but somehow I didn’t feel like saying I had any problems. Caramie had her own problems; her boyfriend Hunter Lawson had just broken up with her due to the fact he was moving away. She said it didn’t bother her but I could tell she was trying hard not to cry. It came at a bad time since her birthday was just around the corner. Mine and hers are a week apart. It was Wednesday on August 27th and hers was the following Wednesday on September 3rd.
If I confided in Melody, she’s so sensitive, I am sure I would start her crying and honestly, I didn’t want to put up with that. Besides, she started dating this new guy named Troy Talulah. He’s a nice guy and all but I miss hanging out with Mel. She seems kind of wrapped up in him, even Caramie complains she hardly sees Melody anymore. But, Melody deserves to be happy after dating a jerk and a psychopath. Dylan Masters, the jerk, ended up cheating on her with Chloe Steele, which she happens to be Miss Evil Jerk herself. And Kyle Woods, which happened to be Hunter’s cousin, turned out to be a psychopath as well. I am not sure of all the details but I got glimpses of him when I painted him plotting something evil….well, I can’t explain it but he seemed to be overly jealous of even me. I snorted to myself. Melody is definitely a looker. But Melody and I are just friends. We were practically raised brother and sister. I still remember when I met her.
After my mom died, we moved to Mystic, Connecticut. I am not exactly certain why. And as if I could ask my dad things like that. We just don’t talk and he never talks about my mom. It makes him sad. But we stayed at the Mermaid Inn. I saw this little girl peeping from the banister at me. I had stood behind my dad, looking at the floor but then looked up and saw her. She smiled at me and instantly, I knew I could trust her. I smiled back at my new friend. The first smile I had smiled in days. In fact, I didn’t talk for a whole week until Melody came into my life. I was too distraught. I felt like my dream had been a warning to somehow save my mom and I wasn’t able to. I had failed. Maybe that’s why my dad dragged us to Mystic, Connecticut due to the fact he had just lost his wife and his own kid was not talking at all. I didn’t talk but I did draw. That’s what got me interested in art. It was like if I could draw, I could see my mom again. But not only did going to the Mermaid Inn give me a best friend, I also met Melody’s mom, Molly, which she was someone I could feel I could always turn to. She was like a second mom to me but I had told no one about my dream and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to tell anyone, not even her.
Art led me to dream and remember my mom and it also led me to my other best friend. I met Caramie in art class but I had seen her before. Somehow I painted a picture of her being rescued by Melody. She had slid in the water and Melody had jumped into save her. I had closed my eyes before I stood at my canvas and could see it clearly. My friend stood there in her blue and white sundress and flip flops just enjoying the beach air as she saw this girl with dirty blonde hair in white shorts and a blue tank top slipping on a rock as she lost one of her white sandals and Melody jumped in and saved her. I saw their first meeting as I painted the rescue. The painting showed Melody reaching for the girl and pulling the girl to shore. Caramie noticed the painting and I was flabbergasted the girl I had never seen or met stood before me clear as day as she did in my vision, the one that inspired the painting. She guessed I must have seen it happened. I told her yes. I didn’t want her to think I was a freak. But I think probably if she knew the truth, maybe she wouldn’t think much of it, considering, you see my two best friends are Creatures.
Creatures? Yes, that’s right, I am plain ole human Seth Montgomery and my two best friends are something mysterious and enchanting……Melody is a mermaid while Caramie is a sirena. Technically, Mel didn’t turn until recently. She is half mermaid. Her mom is a human and her dad is a merman. Melody used to have the darkest longest brown hair and the most sparkling blue eyes. But turning into a mermaid makes her even more gorgeous, as it put golden highlights in her hair and made one of her eyes green. So, now, she had heterochromia iridum.
Caramie is a sirena, meaning she is half siren and half human. Her mom is a siren and her dad is a human. Caramie is a knockout herself with dirty blonde hair and the deepest brown eyes and that’s just the icing. Her voice is like magic….maybe it’s cause she is a sirena but still, even if she didn’t have that controlling power, guys are putty in her hands. I think it doesn’t work on me as much just cause of what good friends we are but she does wear a mermaid shaped locket that helps keep her powers in check. Just two days ago, I had a dream or rather a vision of some sort, that her mermaid locket will no longer work. I shuddered at the thought the day that would happen. Care without her locket was like an open buffet for all males around her and don’t forget that personality change that goes with it. Shaking my head, I steered my thoughts elsewhere.
I guess I need to tell you about myself now that I got my two best friends out of the way. My name is Seth Montgomery and I am as human as can be, nothing out of the ordinary; just plain ole human. I am about to be seventeen on Wednesday. My hair is light brown and I have green eyes and am 6 foot tall. I am also an artist and I can see visions of some sort. But I wasn’t seeing things or hearing things when I heard a knock on my door.
Surrounded by Creatures
Book 3
Release Date: Sep. 9, 2014
Number of Pages: 414
Self-Publish through Amazon KDP
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1495317781

Meet The Author
Larissa Moon
It all started when Hewitt and King suggested they write a book together. So Larissa Moon was born and a world of Mystic Cryptic Creatures. Their love of books inspired them to write more……
Larissa Moon is the pen name of Hewitt and King. Mystic Cryptic Creatures in not the only series they have toyed with writing but as for now, it is their only series that they self-published and most proud of. They have other series planned as well as spin-off series from the Mystic Cryptic world, one being about Melody’s cousins and another being about Hunter, Caramie’s ex-boyfriend. Right now, they are just an idea but hopefully the two can get to work soon on the world they love so much.
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